Sebastian Feldmann
Sebastian Feldmann
Partner / Head of Global "Service Excellence" Competency Center at Roland Berger GmbH

March 15, 2022

Final Destination: Everything as a Service? (ENGLISH)


A major cross-industry paradigm shift in the B2B business is taking place – from ‘ownership’ to ‘user-ship’. We call this the ‘Service Imperative’: There will be no profitable future without approaching your business with a service- and solution-driven perspective.

Product-centric companies need a dramatic mindset shift: XaaS crushes your old ‘technology and product first’ paradigm. Ultimately, it is not data being the new gold – it is having the leadership guts to transform into a service & solution company.

Companies failing to substantiate this shift from product-/technology-based competition into a solution-based business approach are prone to fail.